Our Vision

  • To live missionally and love unconditionally
    (Matthew 22:35–40, Mark 10:41–45, 12:28–34).

  • To grow in Christ spiritually and spread Christ naturally (Matt 28:16–20).

Our Mission


out to the Helena community with the matchless love of Jesus Christ, His everlasting gospel, and the distinctive message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (2 Cor. 10:13–14).


the blessed hope and wholeness of Jesus in the Helena community (Ps. 80:3, 7, 19; 1 Pet. 5:10).


church members’ purpose of mission by teaching them to be disciples of Jesus and to proclaim the everlasting gospel of the Three Angels’ Messages in preparation for the soon return of Jesus (Matt 28:18–20, Acts 1:8, Rev 14:16–12).